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Loredana Bruca, Milvia Capalbi and Alessandro Coletta
Telespazio, Via Corcolle 19, I-00133 Roma Italy
The Ground Support System components are presented in order to highlight the end-to-end operation approach to the scientific mission. The software systems are described following the forward and backward data flow to/from the satellite: starting from the Observation Proposal reception and archiving, the long term observation scheduling up to the detailed weekly planning and telecommands sequence uplinking, and vice versa the scientific and housekeeping raw telemetry acquisition and archiving, quick look data analysis, data reformatting and distribution as a Final Observation Tape to the Observation Proposal PI. Among these components the Quick-look Data Analysis system is emphasized. The main tasks of this system are both health monitoring of the BeppoSAX instruments and quick-look inspection of the scientific results with the goal of detecting and locating major changes in X-Ray sources and searching for X-Ray transient phenomena up to high energy events as Gamma Ray Bursts. This is carried out by performing both Data Accumulation and Data Presentation and Analysis by using the raw payload telemetry data stored on orbital basis.
The aforementioned system components are described following the forward and backward data flow to/from the satellite.
The BeppoSAX Data flow starts at BSAX-SDC/MSC with the reception and
management of the Observation Proposals:
The Short-Term Planning products are the main input to the Spacecraft
and Payload command sequence generation. The observation execution involves
activities which are performed at the BSAX-OCC:
During the Observation execution the raw telemetry (housekeeping and scientific)
is collected at the BSAX-SOC:
Telemetry data, grouped by Observing Period (several orbits time span) and
Auxiliary data such as On-Board-Time/Universal-Time conversion Data,
Reconstructed Attitude and Satellite ephemeris are then stored in the
BeppoSAX Mission Raw Data Archive at the BSAX-SDC/MSC. Its organization and
management is done according to the following baseline:
The Quick Look Analysis (QLA) is mainly conceived as a quick-look system to allow feedback to the BeppoSAX satellite as soon as possible, typically within a few orbital periods from when the relevant events were generated on board.
The QLA is performed by a team of eight Duty Scientists working shifts to ensure 24h data monitoring.
Input data for the QLA are payload telemetry data stored in the BSAX-SOC Archive for a time span encompassing the last 60 orbits.
The main tasks accomplished by QLA are both health monitoring of the BeppoSAX instruments and quick-look inspection of the scientific results with the goal of detecting and locating major changes in X-Ray sources and searching for X-Ray transient phenomena up to high energy events such as Gamma Ray Bursts. These latter events, triggered by the on-board Gamma Ray Burst Monitor, are analysed by the Duty Scientist Team following a well-tested procedure and up to now several real Gamma Ray Bursts have been identified and located, giving input to follow-up observations in different energy bands. In order to accomplish the QLA goals the system provides both Data Accumulation, Data Presentation and Analysis tools. Implemented accumulation functions provide scientific telemetry data retrieving, packet information extraction to perform accumulation of X-Ray events information and integration of on-board accumulated data structures. Data visualization and general analysis are based on a Motif Graphical User Interface developed by Telespazio with the PV-WAVE analysis environment. Based on PV-WAVE Widget Toolbox applications, the ad-hoc software developed using PV-WAVE processing routines provides a data analysis/manipulation system with optimum ease of use.
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Next: The STScI NICMOS Calibration Pipeline
Up: Dataflow and Scheduling
Previous: Observing Control at the UKIRT
Table of Contents -- Index -- PS reprint -- PDF reprint