ESA-ESO WG on The Herschel-ALMA Synergies
Working Group Members
P. Andreani (ESO)
D. Bockelee-Morvan (Paris)
J. Cernicharo (Madrid)
P. Cox (Grenoble)
C. De Breuck (ESO)
D. Elbaz (Paris) , co-chair
E. van Dishoeck (Leiden)
M. Gerin (Paris)
R. Fosbury (ECF-ESA/ESO)
R. Laing (ESO)
E. Lellouch (Paris)
G. L. Pilbratt (ESA)
P. Schilke (Bonn)
T.L. Wilson (ESO), chair
C. Waelkens (Leuven)
M. Zwaan (ESO)
Abstract of final report

The Herschel Satellite and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) are two
very large sub-mm and far infrared (FIR) astronomy projects that are expected
to come into operation in this decade. This report contains descriptions of
these instruments, emphasising the overlaps in wavelength range and additional
complementarities. A short rationale for studying sub-mm and far infrared
astronomy is given. Following this, brief presentations of Herschel and ALMA
are presented, with references to more detailed documents and use cases.
Emphasis is placed on the synergies between these facilities, and the
challenges of comparing data produced using both. Specific examples of projects
are given for a number of areas of astronomical research where these facilities
will lead to dramatic improvements. This report is addressed to an audience of
non-specialist astronomers who may be interested in extending their areas of
research by making use of Herschel and ALMA instruments.
To request a printed copy, please contact
Britt Sjoeberg (
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